Sunday, October 12, 2008

A student on vacation

I just returned from a week's vacation--both physically and metaphysically. I was on the East coast and almost completely disconnected from my normal life (no wireless in my cabin, cell phone reception was spotty, I had to go to the library or K-Mart for computer access, but I had my Kindle with me). It was both a good feeling and a bad feeling. I did access my email several times during the vacation and kept up with the text book readings via my Kindle; but I had no communications with my fellow students. No blogging, no ninging. So now I am back and I can spend some time reacquainting myself with the joys of asynchronous communications. It is good to be away; but it is also good to be back.


Come and See Africa said...

Welcome back to the busy world. How nice that you could go on a retreat where there are no emails.

Ms. Lilley said...
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